What Everyone Missed About the California Forest Fires – Climate Change Affects Us All

Aside from attempts to undermine the authority of climate scientists and outright deny scientific facts, one of the biggest PR problems faced by climate change is that it is such a large, systemic issue. This makes it difficult for most of us to understand how it affects our lives. The nature of science itself is partly to blame: scientists routinely remind us that we can’t say X-issue was caused by climate change, only that it was made more likely/more severe etc. While objectively true, this can lessen the sense of urgency demanded by climate change. We humans are not scientifically minded. We want a simple ‘X causes Y’ not an ‘X contributes to Y’. When we hear the latter, many of us see climate change as less pressing and more inconsequential than it really is. Continue reading “What Everyone Missed About the California Forest Fires – Climate Change Affects Us All”